Blog Entries
Plenty to do in Columbus, GA this Weekend!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Yes it's hot. And yes, it's humid. But do we let a few (ok, several week's worth) record-breaking temperatures stop us from having a little weekend fun? I don't think so! Let's...
How about a big ol’ pat on the back?
Monday, June 13, 2011
This is a comment one of our Facebook Fans left on out page! We love to hear feedback of all kinds but really LOVE when it's positive! "I came to Columbus, GA for a visit recently (May...
Things to Do in Columbus, GA this Weekend!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Have you started making your list of things to do this weekend? I don't mean the "I have to go grocery shopping, mow the lawn, clean the house and do a week's worth of laundry"...
Memorial Day Weekend Fun in Columbus, GA!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
All I can say is that it's a good thing we have a nice, long 3-day weekend ahead because we're going to need that extra bit of time to get in all the fun things happening! Believe me when...
More Springtime Fun in Columbus, GA!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Lovin' this weather! Lots of sunshine, a bit of a breeze, tempuratures we can all stand…all combine to make the perfect scenario for fun in the Spring in Columbus, GA! So what's on tap...
Come on Weekend!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Seems like just about everyone I've come in contact the past few days is having a crazy week. Could it be that we all just have a really bad case of Spring Fever? It's nothing that a...
Perfect Weekend for Springtime Fun!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
This is shaping up to be a great weekend…tons of fun things to do and it looks like the weather will actually be cooperating, so let's get out and enjoy! Because there are so many things...
No Royal Wedding Invitation? Not to Worry!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I'm sure it's just lost in the mail, but I haven't yet received my invitation to Will & Kate's royal wedding. Guess I'll have to pack away the fancy hat I was going to...
Easter Bunny Weekend Fun in Columbus, GA!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
It's a big holiday weekend with lots of family get-togethers and thankfully, there's plenty of fun stuff to do this weekend to entertain everyone in the household! We've compiled a...
Bring on the Weekend Fun!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Lots of good stuff going on in Columbus, GA this weekend, so how about a few ideas to get you started so you can make some plans? Remember, this is just a taste of things happening, but you can...