Friday, January 27, 2017

Wintertime Fun in Columbus, GA?  You Bet!!

Well, this time last week, we were battening down the hatches to get ready for some very extreme and unusual January weather, which unfortunately, was about as severe as originally forecast.  Thankfully, there’s a much brighter, albeit cooler, outlook for this weekend! 


If you’re thinking because we are in the middle of winter there probably isn’t that much to get out and do…think again.  One look at the Event Calendar will wake you up out of the doldrums and get you excited about exploring all that’s going on in your own back yard.


You can find fun things for your kids to do at Oxbow Meadows, especially with their Winter Bingo event that even includes a nature walk to find the playing-pieces! 

If you’re happy to get out and have some fun but would rather stay indoors, then take a look at all that’s going on at the Springer Opera House or RiverCenter this weekend.  There’s Comedy Tonight with the Family Theatre or you can be a part of the action with Sherlock’s Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre. 

The list of happenings is pretty extensive this weekend so it’s time to make plans now…and get out and enjoy!

Categories: Arts, Events

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