Thursday, May 2, 2013

Weekend + Spring = Fun Weekend in Columbus, GA!

The above is all the math you need to know for the weekend...which is a good thing for me!  And yep, the deeper into Spring we get, the more packed the weekends are with fun stuff to do.  In fact, just in Uptown Columbus alone this weekend, there's something going on almost the entire time.  Of course, everything kicks off with Big Woody & The Splinters headlining the free concert tonight in the 1000 block, but on Saturday, there's also Junkin' on Broadway, Market Days on Broadway, A Feathered Affair, which is a birdhouse auction benefiting Columbus Area Habitat, a Cinco de Mayo Celebration, and a Comic Book Show at the Coca-Cola Space Science Center.

Oh, but wait...there's more!  Don't forget that the Uptown Drum Circle that kicks off at 6:00pm Saturday night.  It’s your chance to take part in or just watch something you may never have seen before-a Community Drum Circle. A drum circle is not a drum class, it’s a fun, family friendly event where people celebrate through rhythm and music. You don’t even have to have any musical expertise and you can bring whatever type of drum or percussion instrument you have. You can even make your own! Even if you decide not to participate, it should be really cool to watch!

If you’ve been waiting for the perfect Spring festival, well, this is your weekend!  It’s “The Cotton Pickin’ Fair” just up the road a bit in Gay, GA.  What sets this festival apart has got to be the setting…it isn’t just a few tents pitched in an empty lot…it’s set on the grounds of a 1910 farmhouse, complete with a Cotton Warehouse, which makes this the absolute best setting for all the skilled artisans and antique specialists with booths filled with pottery, weaving, sculpture, woodcarving, painting, jewelry, wearable art, blacksmithing, and glass blowing—plus there’s live entertainment, and without a doubt, some of the best food in this entire state.  In fact, I know folks who go just for the food because you’ll find anything from pimento cheese sandwiches, onion rings, and sweet potato fries!  Don't even eat today-bank those calories for the weekend.

And finally, if you’ve got kids in the household because they are going to love this…or even if you’re just a fan of Roald Dahl, then you’re going to love this one too!  It’s The Big Friendly Giant at the Springer Opera House and it’s all about a little girl named Sophie who is snatched from her orphanage bedroom, hauled off across the landscape to Giant Country and kept in a cave by a huge creature who talks squiff-squiddly…I don’t know what that means but now I’m really intrigued!  Well, the giant promises not to gobble her up like an hors d’oeuvres, so of course, they become the best of friends and then go on all sorts of adventures together.  This is the last weekend for it, so squeeze it in your weekend plans if you can.  Good for any ages kindergarten & up!

Hopefully, some of that info will get you thinking about weekend plans...and let's face it, most of us have been making weekend plans since Monday morning!

Now, go have some fun,


Categories: Arts, Dining, Events, History, Shopping

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