Thursday, January 24, 2013

Time to Start the Weekend in Columbus, GA…Now!!

There's no time like the present, so I vote we go ahead and get this weekend started.  There's lots to get out and do...if you want to see so yourself, just head to the Event Calendar and take a look!

“I’m not crazy…I’ve just been in a bad mood for 40 years.” Now this movie has a lot of great lines, but that may be one of the best. Of course, I'm also partial to "Drink your juice, Shelby!"  Steel Magnolias will be brought to life on stage at the Springer Opera House and I don’t care how many times you’ve seen the movie, it won’t compare to seeing it on stage. And if you’ve got a case of the winter blues, this will definitely cure it! Talk about an ab workout! You’ll be hurting the next day from all the laughing you’ll be doing. I wouldn’t wait to get tickets…I bought mine this week and I can tell you, they are going fast! They even extended the show dates to keep up with the demand. I can’t think of a better girl's night out!

Talk about a great weekend for theatre! Based on the hit film and the true story that inspired it, Catch Me If You Can is a high-flying, splashy new Broadway musical and it’s coming to Columbus at RiverCenter for the Performing Arts. This very entertaining performance tells the story of Frank W. Abagnale, Jr., a teenager who runs away from home in search of the glamorous life. With nothing more than his charm, imagination and millions of dollars in forged checks, Frank poses as a pilot, doctor and lawyer, living the life and winning the girl of his dreams. But his lies catch the attention of FBI agent Carl Hanratty who chases Frank to the end. It’s a big-hearted story about being young, in love and in deep, deep trouble!

Like a good deal? Then you need to stop by the Columbus Museum Gift Shop Friday (Jan 25) because until 4:30 pm it's their Winter Book Sale and all of their books are 30% off and you’ll receive a FREE book with any book purchase. They have some very interesting and beautiful books as well as all kinds of other unique items, Call 706.748.2562 for more information.

We’re 4 weeks into the new year and I hope everyone’s been good about keeping those resolutions to stay healthy. If you need a little motivation, listen up! This SAT is the 2013 Columbus Health Expo at the Columbus Convention & Trade Center. This is a great opportunity to have certain screenings done…at no charge. This is for adults only and no screenings are provided for children. The most popular are Bone Density, Body Fat Analysis, Hearing and Vision Screening, Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Checks. On average over $1,000 in medical screenings are provided at no charge. Lines are usually long so get there early to have time to get in all the screenings you want. Admissions for screenings ends at 1:30pm and the event ends at 2pm.

Warm Up America is a knitting and crocheting charity that provides afghans to the homeless. They meet every 4th Saturday of the month at Hobby Lobby and ask volunteers to donate their time, talent and materials to crochet or knit 7 X 9 squares and then 4 times a year they put the squares together to make afghans. The afghans must be donated to an organization that serves the homeless, for example Valley Rescue Mission, Hope Harbor, American Red Cross, just to name a few. They have donated over 2,500 afghans since 2002! If you can’t make one of their scheduled meetings, you can donate the squares or yarn, but the meetings themselves are fun with refreshments and door prizes.

And don't forget about “The Lab Open Mic and Poetry Slam” at the Liberty Theatre.  Local talent (ages 18+) of all genres (spoken word, music, theatre, etc…) are invited to come out and express themselves at the Liberty Theatre this Saturday at 6:30pm. Poets should have 2 original poems no longer than 3 minutes each prepared. Only the first 10 poets signed up will be allowed to compete. The top 2 will advance to the April 27th finals. Cost is $5 to watch or $3 to perform.

Pretty cool stuff, huh?  You just need to figure out which one you want to do first!

Now, go have some fun...




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