Saturday, July 30, 2011

Seasons Change

Fall is so much more than just a season. It's a feeling of nostalgia as you think about the days when school was about to start back up and your mom took you shopping for school supplies and new clothes. It's the crispness in the air that can't help but bring a smile to your face and put a renewed bounce in your step. It's the sense of relief that comes when the heat and humidity finally release their tight grip on the weather. There's even a different smell in the air as Fall begins to wrap its cool, clean arms around you…a mix of barbecue, campfires, and apple pie. Fall is a wonderful time of year. It's a time for friends and family to get together for football games and fall festivals. It's a time to rejoice in the bright, beautiful colors that surround you as the leaves began to change. It's a time to embrace life and change and all the good things it can bring, 



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