Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ready for a good Halloween Fright?  I am…I think!

Yep, just in time for Halloween, the Columbus Trade Center is playing host to The Columbus Haunted House...and I'm trying to work up the courage to meander through this maze of horror.  And this could be interesting because I still get freaked out if the closet door isn't closed all the way at night.  Guess I'm a glutton for punishment, but if just doesn't seem like Halloween until there's a good haunted house involved.  Sounds like the one at the Trade Center will give you goose bumps and make your skin crawl and it'll be going on through Halloween night.  I did read where it's recommended for teens and adults, but kids are welcomed too as long as there is an adult along with them.  Bet I'll be checking for monsters under the bed when I get home from this one!!


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