Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pat on the Back

The Columbus Convention & Visitors Bureau (CCVB) learned last week that it had been awarded by the Georgia Association of Convention & Visitors Bureau its Benchmark of Excellence Certification (BEC). The Columbus CVB is the second in the state to reach this standard of excellence and the first Bureau in the state to carry both the GACVB designation and national accreditation by Destination Marketing Association International; Columbus's national designation ranks it within the top 10% of CVBs worldwide.

BEC is an organizational program that measures CVBs on certain standards that demand excellence from marketing, human resources, technology, strategic planning, etc. This dual designation raises the awareness from within the community that the Columbus CVB has established itself among the some of the best CVBs as well with providing customers with the assurance that Columbus' official destination marketing organizations is dedicated to meet and exceed expectations.



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