Monday, March 20, 2017

Paddle South Events—Freestyle Kayaking National Championships


Paddle South Events


So, last time we teased you with a major event headed to Columbus very soon.  It’s called Paddle South and it’ll be held at the Columbus Ga Whitewater Park, April 14-15, 2017, and will consist of the 2017 USA Freestyle Kayak National Championships, and a beer and barbeque festival.  All kinds of good things to get you out of the house and to shake off any remaining winter-doldrums.


Freestyle Kayaking National Championships


Here’s a bit more info about the Freestyle Kayaking Nationals.  Look for the action to take place on “The Good Wave,” so stake out a place on The Island to watch their moves and maneuvers.  In case you aren’t familiar with it, The Good Wave is part of this extraordinary urban whitewater course—the longest in the world—and is a man-made wonder that results in a perpetual wave of water that beckons kayakers, rafters and surfers alike to challenge their talents. These kayakers, some of the best from around the world, will be competing for the national championship title throughout the entire weekend. On Friday evening, the 2017 USA Freestyle Kayak National Championships will begin at 4:00 p.m. and end around 8:00 p.m. Saturday morning, the competition will kick back off at 10:00 a.m. and last until 6:00 p.m.  Sounds like this is going to be epic.


More details and info about the other aspects of Paddle South are up next!

Categories: Events, River Fun

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