Monday, December 23, 2013

Looking for something to do after the Big Day?  How about ice hockey in Columbus, GA?!

Chances are you're just about done with all the holiday preparations, decorations, shopping, wrapping, cooking, baking, planning, cleaning...oh, and the list goes on and on.  So once all the gifts are unwrapped, there's nothing left but a sad looking turkey carcass on the platter, and you can't even begin to process the idea of going shopping again, how about let's doing something fun after the big Christmas Day?  Perfect.  Our very own Columbus Cottonmouths will be taking to the ice for a little hockey action against Peoria at the Civic Center this Thursday and Friday nights (Dec 26 & 27).  I can't think of a better way to work off some post-holiday stress than by going to the game and cheering on the Cottonmouths to victory.  Not to mention, if you have a home full of out-of-town guests or kids climbing the walls, here's a great way to get them OUT of the house for a night!  If you need more ideas of things to do, make sure you take a peek at the Event Calendar...there are bound to be more ideas there of things you can do to entertain the troops over the holidays!

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