Friday, May 4, 2012

Let the Weekend Begin in Columbus, GA!

Not that I'm counting the hours or anything, but there's so much good stuff going on this weekend that it's time to get this thing started.  It would take up too much space here to try and give you the rundown on everything going on, so you may want to check out the Community Calendar to get a better look.

If you’ve been waiting for the perfect Spring festival, well, this is your weekend!  It’s “The Cotton Pickin’ Fair” just up the road a bit in Gay, GA all day Saturday and Sunday.  Tons and tons of vendors with anything from pottery, jewelry, antiques, loads of entertainment, and the reason most of us go...the FOOD. Here's a tip, skip dinner the night before and breakfast the day of so you can eat all the good stuff you want and you won't feel guilty!

There aren’t many places in this world where you can get something for free, but that’s exactly what’s going on this Saturday at the Coca-Cola Space Science Center with their Free Comic Book Day!  Not only will you get a free comic book, but they’ve got a day full of fun stuff lined up like a costume contest, quick draw contest, you get to do some gazing at the sun (without damaging your eyes!), door prizes, you can shop for new comic books to add to your collection, and what sounds to me like the absolute coolest activity of the day……Reading with a Super Hero!!! 

The Columbus Lions are playing some great arena football this season and it looks like an intense game shaping up at the Civic Center this Sunday at 4:00pm as they take on in-state rivals the Albany Panthers!

Headed back north a bit, chances are you’ll be passing through Warm Springs on your way to the Cotton Pickin’ Fair, so tack on some extra time to stop in and join the celebration at the Little White House!  It was in May of 1932 that Franklin Roosevelt celebrated the completion of his cottage with a housewarming.  Fast-forward 80 years and check out this reenactment of that celebrationthis Saturday!  There will be an actor on hand portraying Pres. Roosevelt, as well as live music from the 30s and 40s, lemonade and cookies, even down to the smallest detail of being able to join in on an old-fashioned game of croquet on the lawn! 

It’s no secret that I am obsessed with the Springer Opera House’s annual production of “A Tuna Christmas.”  I don’t think I’ve missed a year yet, so when I heard about this brand new production this season, I did the proverbial Happy Dance!  How just two actors…in this case Paul Pierce and Ron Anderson…can bring so much personality to so many characters is beyond me.  Well, now we get to see the rest of the story and find out what’s been happening in the third smallest town in Texas.  In case you haven’t heard, Bertha and that no-good husband of hers, Arles are headed to Las Vegas to renew their wedding vows & it turns out the whole town of Tuna tags along with them!  They meet some new friends along the way…a mind-reading mystic named Anna Conda, a mafia thug, and a couple of Elvis impersonators.  They actually come home wiser, happier & richer!  I've got to see this...

That should get you started trying to figure out what you want to put on your weekend to-do list.  Don't forget to breeze through the Community Calendar to find out more.

Now, go have some fun...


Categories: Arts, Dining, Events, History, Shopping

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