Thursday, September 9, 2010

Gettin’ Froggy With It!

If you’re feeling a little froggy, Oxbow Meadows and Georgia Adopt-A Stream are hosting Amphibians of the Night this evening at Oxbow Meadows Environmental Center. The program will feature an indoor presentation about frogs and salamanders that live in streams and wetlands, then attendees will be led along the wetlands trail to identify calling frogs and examine any that are found. This program is open to the public but is geared towards Adopt-A-Stream volunteer monitors, so participants will get a manual with monitoring protocol and a color ID key to assist with volunteering monitoring efforts. This isn’t a kids program but families with children older than 11 are welcome. Space is limited to 25 so call 706.687.4090 now or visit . The program starts at 6:30 PM.


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